HMJ company was established in 1990. Based on many years of experience in the industry (chemical, petrochemical, fertilizers), utilities (gas, power) and transport (aviation and aerodromes) we offer engineering consultancy for medium and large industrial and utility clients in the areas of process analysis, process modelling, power systems modelling, energy efficiency analysis, selection and delivery of process machinery. We use the best industrial software from renowned suppliers for the modelling of the process, energy and media flows. We make 3D models of the machinery, plants and whole factories. We cooperate since years with the leading European manufacturers of the industrial process machinery: compressors, turbines, mixers, tanks, motors.
We have references from the prime Polish and European industrial Clients.

With respect to studies and planning done now by Polish public institutions related to the development of nuclear power plants in the country, HMJ company has prepared a proposal of the Technical Standard for underground siting of the Gen IV nuclear reactors.
This proposal, in form of a draft of the Polish/European Technical Standard was already presented to the CEN/CENELEC organization , Polish Standards Committee (PKN), as well as to IAEA, to major European manufacturers of the equipment for the nuclear power plants and submitted for presentation on the IAEA symposium.
The draft of the Standard takes an engineering-sense approach to the ecology issues, prioritising a long-term protection of the surface resources and population.

Process model is the starting point of each industrial plant or utility. It describes quantitatively and qualitatively transformation of the raw materials, input media and energy, through subsequent phases of semi-products to the output product. In case of chemical processes it involves chemical reactions, change of physical shape, thermal and energy balance. Process-modelling approach is not restricted to the process industry only; this kind of philosophy can be and should be positively used in any industrial or public installation. We use advanced CAPE-software for process flows and balance calculations and propose:
- analysis of the existing process;
- proposition of optimization and changes;
- proposition of new machinery and apparatuses.

Linear electric energy model makes possible fast and accurate assessment of the existing factory power grid, with switching stations, generators, power lines, power consumers, electric motors start-up, cable loads , protections , overloads , transients, harmonics, etc., as well as identify hot points and development needs.
Upon detailed inventory of the existing grid , we use specialistic software for the grid modelling, both under normal conditions as well as in transient states.
Beside balance sheets for electric energy consumption, the model shows critical points, overloads and harmonic constituents carried over to the supplying lines.
Electric energy balance, along with thermal energy and media balance , are main input information for assessment of the efficiency of the plant or the whole factory .

Professional 3D-modelling software as Bentley Open Plant or Solidworks makes possible to execute 3D models with arbitrarily high accuracy of the single components, machines, plants and whole factories. Notwithstanding the big amount of manhours required to produce them, virtual twins of the whole factories, with machinery, material flows, material data, process data – are the future of the industry.
Upon request, we present a detailed offer for such model of the industrial plant of any size.

Depending on desired accuracy, we model the casings of the process machines and apparatuses : compressors, turbines, pumps, motors, reactors, boilers, tanks, etc, with main internals: rotors, bearings, sealings, gears as well as material flows and animations of the working movements

We model in 3D the installations with foundations, pipings, machines, apparatuses, valves and support structures.
The modelling can be done to the schematic level with overall dimensions and weights, or – using previously made 3D models of the individual machines – down to the level of the detail corresponding to the virtual reality.

Compositing of individual 3D models of the partial installations with internal transport means as conveyers, roads, walkways, with added terrain shaping, geodetic heights, pipelines and cable lines, buildings and structures we obtain the model of the whole factory or utility accessible for animations, virtual walk-through, view from many cameras, positioning on geodetic maps, relative to GPS points and GIS -models.

Suburban residence -"dvorek" ( chateau). Private investor.



Registered Trademarks
„HMJ” ; UPRP No.R.316078

Registered Designs
„Docking in Place” ; EUIPO No. 015005233-0001

HMJ Sp.z o.o.;
Siedziba:Gilarska 76
03-589 Warszawa,PL
NIP: 524-267-63-47
Biuro: ul.Skowronków 11
05-504 Złotokłos
tel: + 48 22 8268909
mob: +48504079919
e-mail: secretary@hmj.com.pl