Intent instead of invent...

Let me come back to theme of intent-defined or intent-based actions.
A software tool, which executes complex programming based on rough ,verbal instruction towards desired outcome only is actually a "lazy programmer "-dream... Source-codes, tediously defining every smallest step or event , require also highest precision , not natural for human mind ,which tends to "fuzzy logic". . That's why various "GUI's", compilers...
In short ; faced with very complex task of issuing millions of individual instructions to similiar number of single particles, with millions of constraints and interactions between each of them, we prefer rather to express roughly what we want as final configuration , and let the system work out the problem by itself. Similiar approach was taken by mathematicians working on complex job of modelling neutron flows in reactor core by Manhattan project, where trajectory of each neutron (and in the chain-reaction each one of millions is important, potentially ultimative) was depending on macroscopic core topology and sub-molecular single-fission reactions. Certain guy (mathematicians are lazy) , Stanislaw Ulam by name, proposed way around the problem; lets cast the neutrons like dices in casino in Monte Carlo, and see what the outcome... and let's cast it many times, manipulating with boundaries...
This is also the core of each iteration prgogram, where try-anf-fail methods are used , albeit usually with some constraints to reduce divergence. Well, all it works good on the models...
How to convince the matter to accept our roughly-expressed intent for the transformation of a certain volume of molecules, where all energy we may transfer to this system is only enough to affect one of the millions? Well, as chaos theory claims, it may be quite enough to affect one, providing, we select a proper one. In the fact it boils down to knowing all possible states after the move and selecting the one most suiting our aims. Possible? ... yes, if we for example could work in meta-time, i.e. stop running time for a moment to see and analyze all probable states after one transform. In everyday-language it does not sound very practical, but just look how flexibly time coordinate is used by field-theory physics...