The global pandemics, albeit unwanted, discovered one, already long existing but till now not clearly visible feature of modern economy - that is , superproductivity. Billions of people were sent home for months, where they worked remotely - that is , doing basically nothing, except for meddling information over Excell and parlaying via phone and e-mail. Yes, this is what they regularly do in the office, too. But the deeper truth is , that what concerns material production of necessities : food, buildings, infrastructure, cars, TVs, computers, etc, etc - global factories are so efficient , that some 10% of the global workforce is enough. The rest may as well stay home and forget about work. Of course, this idle 90% must receive money to buy these manufactured items: food, buildings, infrastructure, cars, computers, etc, etc. Otherwise , the economy would just get stalled.
We have already since long had certain industries, which might as well be non-existent, and their only function is to stimulate economy via creating artificial, sometimes feverish activity. Like: tatoo-industry, grant-industry (pursuing most improbable scientific concepts in order to get a grant), IPO-industry ( arranging billion-dollar IPOs of startups which are worth nothing), remodelling-industry (new car models, phone models, PC-models every year ) etc.
But possibility of a society where only 10% of people really work deserves some attention. Instead of creating new unnecessary branches of the economy, which - apart of producing human frenetic activity- bring only increased environmental pollution, we might rather use some computer modelling to plan how to divide work and money so that everyone gets his fair share.
Working one day a week might not be a good idea - mind , or hands simply forget what they've learned , and have to be taught anew the required skills. Work is also about social interaction, partnerships, commonality of the effort- which may not function in the mosaic of ever-changing teams. (I remember one old sci-fi novel, where people where hibernated for 6 days a week, so they always met the same colleagues in their jobs, one day a week)
It is therefore better to educate new generation for pursuing arts, home-talents as cooking, small repairs, amateur-sports, etc, and devise smart ways to regulate money-distribution.
Yes, we shall live in the world where money are given as handouts, sufficient not only for basic needs, but for big houses, cars, foreign travels, long vacations (long,long....,long vacations).
Those who are eager for work, will get it - for perhaps some more money, but not extremely more.Dream-come-true for everyone.
If this is not a paradise , then what?
Perhaps - hell... ?