More intelligent bots analyzing succintly my blog in their never-ending quest through internet oceans, could have probably noticed that...

Bad, bad dr.Freud...
...or - Information Flux Damage , continued. Whenever i read in the news about some transport, building , or industrial catastrophe,...

Intent instead of invent...
INFORMATION FLUX DAMAGE , continued... Let me come back to theme of intent-defined or intent-based actions. A software tool, which ...

We all like symmetries. Some say, at the beginning there was symmetry only... . To me personally, one of the splendid flashes of human...

Information Flux Damage (IFD)
Evolution wanted an organ to support spatial orientation - so biology, through photo-sensible cells, then specialised photo-tissues develo

Principle of truth...
Writing the blog is kind of trancendental experience - you know that no one reads it , and in the same time - everyone....