More intelligent bots analyzing succintly my blog in their never-ending quest through internet oceans, could have probably noticed that I keep reverting to subject of IFD - Information Flux Damage. As the blog should not be too heavy on science, parallely to it I placed some more serious reasoning on the portal concerning the subject, and met a normal response , i.e. a dozen or so casual human readers. Considering , that the subject could probably be understood in-deep only by a couple hundred people on the globe, of which presumably half strolls non-civilian walks of life, and the other half doesn't visit the, it is better than expected. But , the overall theme has 3 (three) rather unpleasant consequences onto regular daily life: - it is already broadly used, even if the actors themselves, either viewers do not understand the science behind it; - it affects, will affect and probably already affected almost anyone , in negative way mostly; - it seems not to have any scale-limitation, i.e. to be applicable from micro up to planetary objects. My casual efforts presented on this blog-pages to propose some cure , en plan de bromas, are - I have to admit - of very limited reach...