PERSONALLY, i'M NOT VERY MUCH SCARED ABOUT CLIMATE warming. Perhaps due to my heating bills... Just some less ice, more deserts , higher seas - humanity will endure .
But one thing is quite funny - if we continue to pump heat and greenhouse gases to the atmosphere , it will rather inevitably turn to much more turbulent. It means wind speeds of 300 km/h , 400 km/h and more - just look at other planets.
Considering square function , what it means for highrises ? As I remember, they are all designed for max 250 km/h, whereas cyclone-shelters are constructed to withstand some 400km/hr. Pretty low design limits considering equatorial globe surface velocity of ca 2000 km/hr. Only soft, quasi-laminar gradient ( I mean : in 100 km-scale) in our atmosphere gives us current luxury of wind still or sweet morning breezes....
It seems that human brain is not designed to intuitively assess square - or higer magnitude realtions. Our ancestors were not able to assess if a jump from 3 m tree will hurt 3 times more than a 1 m jump , or 10x more - they just did not jump high enough. We naturally tend to linearise...
Even if mechanical structure survive , it will remain without glass. So , dear sheiks - in Your race to "higher-and-higher" I propose blind steel window-panes with LCD inside. Sincerely Yours....