Ice-driven car...

I believe to have mentioned in one of my former blogs, that number of obviously real events , scrupulously noted by me over several years stood in clear defiance of broadly accepted formulation of second law of thermodynamics.
Having no substantial scientific credentials, either mighty friends in these circles , it is always better to sit still&kepp mum - even knowing how to strike a jackpot in any lottery ,anytime, worldwide...
However, philosophy is cheap, and usually not life-endangering ( except,perhaps Archimedes and some other notable cases). Therefore , I allow myself only a loose constatation, how really great minds defend themselves , and own theories , over centuries to come...
I happened once to sacrifice several tedious hours , to decode, with my poor latin, the unforgettable works of Sir Newton (Principia de philosphiae naturalis...- courtesy of Royal Society). And , just by chance, to compare its scientific level, wording and generally- class, with his-contemporary works of other members of this venerable institution (RS). It was like comparing essay by today's university professor with some mumbling of illiterate child from kindergarteen.
But what really inspired my awe , was re-reading Lord's Kelvin original formulation of 2nd law of thermodynamics, (not yet so named, then...).
Driven by my own doubts on level of my schooling, I reached to the source , and found a formidable clause in his formulae <:... heat can not flow from colder to warmer body " by means of inanimate material agency" , only > .
(Sorry ,Sir Kelvin , only the parenthesis' section are yours - I believe - original words).
Let me come to the essence of today's blog: Lord Kelvin was sure, in the same way as 99,999 of today's scientists, that heat can not be transported from cold to hot without input of work. But he left some side-door to his formulation , with one small word "inanimate". And , he did not just mean mechanical heat pump...