On SETI...

As far as I know, SETI is still searching for extraterrestrial contact by scanning radio frequencies from deep space, with some, rather modest budget.
I would not like to wipe these few jobs of these helpless dreamers , good that some of their kin still remain...
But the big question is : would anyone use tam-tams , having mobile S7 in his pocket?
Rather obvious consequence (" il est aise a voir", as one famous scientist used to say when he forgot some explanation) of the possibility to transfer information with super-luminal speed is that whole information of the universe could be tapped anywhere , anytime , fast-forward or fast-reverse in time .
So , if any extraterrestrial would really like to make contact with humans (which I sincerely doubt, i.e. doubt in such will, not doubt in their existence), it would be enough for him (her?) to use "Shackleton method" , that is to go to the meadow nearby his house, lay back on the grass (green ,or blue ,or pink -for this instance, in his world ), and - just let his thoughts float freely...
As said afore, knowing people - I doubt. But I'm positively convinced , that overwhelming feeling that such an extraterrestrial would have , when watching or sensing humans in their world , would be that of a mild and compassionate surprise, perhaps even - mercy...