Safety versus Security

An old joke comes to my memory : "what's the difference between Socialism and Realsozialism? - same as between a chair and an electric chair"....
Yes. In common language , safety and security have similiar, almost the same meaning. But they definitely do not mean the same. ..
If I was to find another, but also metaphoric definition, I would say, that Safety is provided by engineers .
And Security - by security guys.
On one hand , we (society, nation, country) educate , employ , pay, hundred thousands of good guys, who work really hard to devise, design, and produce safe everyday objects, for use by people, including children.
On the other hand, we ( society, nation, country) breed and train groups ( luckily - much less numerous) of bad guys , who work really hard in oposite direction.
Destruction is much easier than construction, nearly always. Knob-rule factor is like 1 to 100.
Dinosaurs lived in such a world for hundred million years. But hey did not invent nuclear weapons...