Recently, a few startups approach the subject anew , hoping to provide small industrial fusion in several years. To whom I wish, sincerely, the best luck.
The Russians tried all they could in the sixties. Europe tries with ITER , and Chinese really, really try...
But , I'm afraid , the solution is much , much farther than hopeful researchers assume.
I wrote on it in previous blog , so won't repeat myself.
But just note , that after 200 years of steam technology we still do not heat the water with open fire (although it potentially offers formidable rates of heat transfer), but use the boilers instead. Because of gradients. And because of practicality.
It also resembles a bit the story of vertical-axis windmill, being constantly re-invented since 400 years ( or more). Ever again some new inventor announces the great new idea of vertical wind generator. It takes him then a few years of experimenting ( replaceable with a few hours of thorough, although tedious physics ) to note that a vertical windmill is approx. 50% less effective than an old but proven horizontal , three-bladed design. Kilogram-to-kilogram of used (or wasted ) material.
I'd love to see the world based on small commercial fusion. But , i suppose the next few hundred years will be still without it. We better hope for the good , but prepare for the fission...